This coming of age Dance Film, in the spirit of Dirty Dancing, Karate Kid, and High School Musical – is about a young girl from Beverly Hills, Jennifer who is visiting her Father’s Panama City Beach Hotel during Summer Break, and falls in love with a Young Boy, Ken who works as a Dishwasher. Even though both are from different backgrounds, they share the same passion… DANCE and partner with each other to enter the 2nd Annual Florida State-Wide Dance Contest. While preparing for the contest, Jennifer and Ken must overcome scheming dance partners, a meddling father, and their own doubts for their love to prevail.
演员:谢楠 李响 邓紫棋 孟美岐 蔡徐坤 毛不易 潘玮柏 吴奇 陈立农 张靓颖 袁娅维 ZJ沙楠杰 希林娜依·高 赵粤 王艺瑾 陈卓璇 郑乃馨 刘些宁 张艺凡 张常宁 邹昕