主演:莱斯利 尼尔森 克里斯托弗 劳埃德 马特 麦科伊 Sherry Miller Amos Crawley Cody Jones Tabitha Lupien Tony Rosato Lisa LaCroix Kevin Hicks Tannis Burnett Edward Heeley Judah Katz Ellen-Ray Hennessy Michael Anderson Jr
简介:哈里是一名很有头脑的推销员,却糊里糊涂地代替儿子成为一家孤儿院的院长。面对这么多孤儿,他突然发现了生财之道,决定把孤儿院改成一家专门出租小孩的公司。他以特别优惠的价格把三个小孩租给一对夫妇一个星期。这对夫妇感觉抚养三个小孩虽然辛苦,却总是给他们的生活充满欢乐。他们会放弃原先轻松的生活,领养这三个可爱的孩子吗?Harry Habert, owner of a rent office has an original idea: To rent baby's from a nearby orphan
简介:When 16-year-old Maddy's mother had to go work overseas for three months, she had to move in with her hardcore grandfather. There she becomes friends with someone who trains dogs.
主演:Darby Hinton ... Cody Abilene Sybil Danning ... Contessa Luciana Art Metrano ... Matthew Shelley Taylor Morgan ... Anita Chamberlain ........
简介:Cody Abiliene 是一个小有名气侦探,他急需要要接手一个大案子来证明自己。当他受命去负责 Luciana 伯爵夫人丈夫被谋杀的案子,这正是如愿以偿的一次机会。在伯爵庄园调查的过程中,他逐渐的发现了复杂的间谍活动和勒索事件……Cody Abiliene is a semi-successful private detective desperately in need of a big (and well-paying) case. When he's hired to solve t