纪录片关于70-80年代南斯拉夫红极一时的摇滚歌手Zdravko Colic,由他的演唱会现场、观众采访、幕后创作经过和录像带MTV片段组成。社会主义制度下东欧青年们的激情、反叛和躁动。Sort of a musical-documentary analysis of musical star, in this case Zdravko Colic, in the moment of his greatest popularity. The situations in which he's involved, thoughts of people working with him, who know him or who know him only from TV screen and records, everything mixed up with Zdravko Colic talking of himself and of music he performs.
演员:谢楠 李响 邓紫棋 孟美岐 蔡徐坤 毛不易 潘玮柏 吴奇 陈立农 张靓颖 袁娅维 ZJ沙楠杰 希林娜依·高 赵粤 王艺瑾 陈卓璇 郑乃馨 刘些宁 张艺凡 张常宁 邹昕