




  • 主演:雅虎·瑟瑞斯MeloraHardinAlexeiSayleHugoWeaving


"Reckless Kelly is the Australian Robin Hood". Kelly is a bank robber, a pop-culture hero and video shop owner. This modern story tells how he is furious when a Japanese company wants to buy his band's farm. Written by Kornel Osvart The large Kelly family run a pub on Reckless Island, and also operate the Kelly gang of bank robbers. Though this only consists of Ned it is highly effective as he has built up a high tolerance to bullets. Unfortunately the bank company fights back by offering the island for sale. The Kellys suddenly need a million dollars, and as all the money they rob in Australia goes to the poor, Ned sets off to California to rob banks there. Or become a movie star. Whatever.


  • 雅虎·瑟瑞斯
  • Melora
  • Hardin
  • Alexei
  • Sayle
  • Hugo
  • Weaving


