简介:Bernardo and Esperanza met in Bilbao in 1978, when both were students at university in the midst of the turbulent political circumstances of the time. They had an on-off relationship - brimming with passionate encounters and inexplicable misunderstandings
主演:Poppy Montgomery ... Nadine Roberts Adam Kaufman ... James Roberts Jose Yenque ... Det. Gustavo Campos
简介:Nadine是一位美丽的芝加哥律师, 独自来到墨西哥的提华纳旅行,她此行的目的是希望在墨西哥找到她失散的妹妹,但是随着她调查的深入,她逐渐迷失了她自己..Nadine, a beautiful lawyer from Chicago, travels alone to Tijuana, Mexico in search of her missing sister. Her investigation presents unsettling encounters leading her on a mind
主演:Luis Felipe Fernandez-Salvador y Campodonico Andrés Fernández-Salvador y Zaldumbide Luis Felipe Fernández-Salvador y Bolona Eugene Park Ana Recarte-Pacheco Jonah Kagen Juliana Andreina Carbo Lozano Diego Alirio Rodriguez Iglesias Vladimir Rodriguez Olmedo
简介:La tempesta in un cranio (Tempest in a Cranium) is an anarchic, quasi-surreal Italian comedy of multiple delights in which the timorous scion of a wealthy family is gaslit by his friends in order to prove that his fears of hereditary insanity are hogwash.