




  • 主演:SophieSchüttJohannesBrandrupOliverPetszokat


from the User Comments of imdb:I'd say it has a touch of Ally McBeal, she's a secretary and a few times she day-dreams like Ally. It is the story of a woman in love with her boss, he barely knows that she is alive, until she leaves for another job, and then he has to iron his own shirts ... I liked it, it was light, and probably I'm a little biased, because I liked the pretty actress, Sophie Schütt.And when I say it is a german comedy, I mean that the characters don't burst showing emotions ... for me, a guy from the Tropic, that is a little unusual. It is not full of jokes or comic situations, though.


  • Sophie
  • Schütt
  • Johannes
  • Brandrup
  • Oliver
  • Petszokat


