Using the fairytale genre to examine the murky boundary between childhood and adulthood, Rachel Maclean explores ideas of happiness and childhood as qualities that can be packaged and sold, resulting in dark and unsettling adventures located in a fantasy world reminiscent of the candy-coloured palette of children's television. This new video installation a new HOME commission in partnership with University of Salford Art Collection, Artpace, Zabludowicz Collection, Tate, Frieze Film and Channel 4 Random Acts.
演员:谢楠 李响 邓紫棋 孟美岐 蔡徐坤 毛不易 潘玮柏 吴奇 陈立农 张靓颖 袁娅维 ZJ沙楠杰 希林娜依·高 赵粤 王艺瑾 陈卓璇 郑乃馨 刘些宁 张艺凡 张常宁 邹昕