简介:Set in a future where society collapses following a catastrophic pandemic, Die Alone follows Ethan (Douglas Smith), a young man with amnesia, who bands together with Mae (Moss), a rugged survivalist. Under siege from the zombie-like monsters created by th
主演:乔什·哈切森 弗兰克·格里罗 安迪·加西亚 温迪·莫尼兹 梅丽莎·里奥 伊登·布洛林 博·纳普 梅奇·费法 胡安·巴勃罗·拉瓦 乔治·卡罗尔 珊·奎汀 Clara Lope Mario Vannucci Gabriel Lancar Maneses Vazquez María Velilla
简介:A special forces soldier who has given up country, religion, and even hope, must return to the field of battle to track down his niece, a reporter, caught in the middle of an illegal private contracting operation that went dead wrong.
简介:梅尔·吉布森、弗兰克·格里罗商谈加盟动作惊悚片《领袖水准》,乔·卡纳汉执导并编写剧本。格里罗将饰演一名退役特种部队老兵,被困在永无止境的死亡循环之中。 Emmett/Furla/Oasis投资,洛伦佐·迪·博纳文图拉、Mark Vahradian、兰道尔·艾米特、 George Furla联合制片。