简介:Years ago, local Iowa historian and eccentric collector Michael Zahs chanced upon a cache of early films and cinema memorabilia belonging to Frank Brinton, a showman who brought moving pictures to America’s heartland in the earliest years of the art form.
主演:Paul Lang Marc Bowers Ryan Webber Callie Bussell Jeannine Thompson Ashley Croft Tom McClure Tim Kaiser Ryan T. Husk Rocco Guirlanda Rico E. Anderson David Wunderlich Caroline Rankin Todd Lutz Christopher K. Blackmon
主演:Salvador Wood Manuel Estanillo Silvia Planas Gaspar de Santelices
简介:A Cuban worker dies accidentally and is buried together with his union card. It soon turns out that the widow will absolutely need the card for claiming her pension. Young nephew starts his hilarious fight against the authorities in order to disinter and
简介:经过两年的漂泊,狂放不羁的牛仔海威·凯洛威(汤米·李·琼斯Tommy Lee Jones 饰)再次回到故乡。除了丰富的阅历,他孑然一身,一无所有。早些年间,他帮助弟弟沃特辛苦建立起自己的农场,事业总算有了起色,但因家人情感的问题他选择不告而别。如今,家乡似乎正酝酿一场剧变,土地被银行家CC(Wilford Brimley 饰)不断收购,靠双手吃饭的凯洛威一家渐入困境。海威帮助弟弟夫妇共同应付这场巨大的考验,在此期间,他也收获一段似乎注定没有结局的爱情。牛仔注定远走天涯,海威是否愿意停下漂泊的步伐?本片