简介:Three young adults, obsessed with the horrors of the modern world, find themselves trapped in the depths of a sprawling underground subway that progressively transforms into a giant, nightmarish organic mass eager to swallow them up.
简介:When Ranae agrees to babysit for a family with a tragic past, a run-of-the-mill Saturday night quickly turns into a confrontation with unspeakable horror.
简介:“在这个城市里,没有人是安全的。那些不以为然的人们其实只是愚昧无知罢了。”铂文的同事也是她最好的朋友安瓦尔•拉希德在去往卡拉奇的路上这样说到。铂文•拉赫曼是一位建筑师及城市规划师,她的一生贡献在巴基斯坦最贫穷的地方,2013年她在回家的路上被武装分子枪杀。"No one is safe in this city. Those who think otherwise are living in a fool's paradise", says Perween's b