“在这个城市里,没有人是安全的。那些不以为然的人们其实只是愚昧无知罢了。”铂文的同事也是她最好的朋友安瓦尔•拉希德在去往卡拉奇的路上这样说到。铂文•拉赫曼是一位建筑师及城市规划师,她的一生贡献在巴基斯坦最贫穷的地方,2013年她在回家的路上被武装分子枪杀。"No one is safe in this city. Those who think otherwise are living in a fool's paradise", says Perween's best friend and colleague Anwar Rashid as he navigates the chaotic roads of Karachi. An architect and urban planner, Perween Rahman dedicated her life for the poor of Pakistan. She was shot dead by armed assailants on her way home in March 2013.