简介:My Girl is an adaptation of the hit Korean drama series of the same title. The original series was aired by ABS-CBN in 2006. This is the first and highly acclaimed adaptation of a Korean drama series (also called Koreanovela in the Philippines) for Philip
主演:Eman Xor Oña Rafael Ernesto Hernández Carlos Enrique Almirante
简介:很不错的古巴新片,推荐一看,Rebeca Chávez是古巴非常有名的一位女导演。两篇评论:http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=7299http://www.havanatimes.org/?p=7386Cuban fiction feature film Ciudad en Rojo (City in Red), by movie maker Rebeca Chávez, is scheduled to be showcased from Thursday on in Ca