简介:The Vice Squad Franchise is a Crime Drama Procedural that spans the Globe exploring the lives of a select group of dedicated Detectives as they navigate to take down a web of dangerous international Human Trafficking rings.
简介:At the Vietnamese hotel Hôi An, the hotel manager Markus Winter makes the acquaintance of the charming Nora. He is only too pleased to give her a tour of the country’s exotic beauty, all the while remaining unaware of her true intentions – she is a spy! S
主演:Flora Thiemann Julia Richter Kai Lentrodt Hagi Lacatus Mihai Raisa Marcel Costea George Pistereanu Paulina Hilla Josef Holzinger Hannes Höchsmann Konrad Kohlhaas 古斯塔夫·彼得·沃勒
主演:Dainius Gavenonis Julia-Maria Köhler Jonas Antanelis
简介:Low Lights - is a story of people trapped by the routine of acity life, longing of closeness, romance and heartiness. Made-up night driving ritualsprovoke to create a new universe, the banal and familiar maze of streets re-emergeswith fresh unworn sens
主演:Petra Vigna Stephan Meyer-Kohlhoff Krista Stadler Roswitha Schreiner Claudia Knichel Jean-Marc Bory Johanna Elbauer
简介:辛蒂瑞拉(佩特拉·维娜 Petra Vigna 饰)是一个可怜但是善良的姑娘,她和继母(克里丝塔·施泰德 Krista Stadler 饰)还有三个姐姐住在一起。平日里,继母对待辛蒂瑞拉十分苛刻,把家中所有的活计都交给她来做,处处苛责欺负她,可即便如此,辛蒂瑞拉还是选择了忍气吞声。住在城堡里的王子(史蒂芬·梅耶-科尔霍夫 Stephan Meyer-Kohlhoff 饰)决定组织一个舞会,他将在当天前来的姑娘里选一个作为自己的王妃。继母和姐姐们得知这一消息,打扮的花枝招展出门了,留下辛蒂瑞拉一个人还在做