




  • 主演:EricPortmanPhyllisCalvertGriffithJones


An adaptation of Oscar Millard's novel, 'Uncensored'. This Black and White film runs 83 min / UK:108 min. The film was banned in Sweden because of political prejudice. One should go for the UK version for a full account of this true story of the clandestine newspaper 'La libre Belgique' published in Brussels during the German occupation.Following the occupation of Belgium in the Second World War, the Nazis set up their own propaganda machine. To counter the Nazi press, a group of Belgian patriots revive 'La Libre Belgique', with Delage, a popular Brussels entertainer, and Julie Lanvin, daughter of a newspaper editor, as principal members of its secret staff. The Germans offer a reward for the capture of the paper's sponsors. Delage's disgruntled cabaret partner, Charles, develops a grudge against him and gives him away. Delage and Julie evade capture, but their colleagues are arrested.While the Germans announce the end of 'La Libre Belgique' Delage and Julie bring out a new edition in secret and make the Germans a laughing stock, so that they are obliged to release their captives. The group is re-formed and, under Delage's and Julie's leadership, the work goes on.


  • Eric
  • Portman
  • Phyllis
  • Calvert
  • Griffith
  • Jones


