




  • 主演:森雅之山口淑子瀧澤修


吉村大戰時參軍到了東南亞,卻無心戀戰日看夜看日軍沒收回來的西片,其後的作品自有一份成熟的清醒。此作反映日本戰敗後的腐敗與拜金主義,不為政府所容曾捱過電檢的剪刀。李香蘭回日本後首次回復山口淑子的真身,憑此片確立在日本影壇的地位。故事講重臣女兒戰後墮落風塵,軍官男友亦淪為黃色小報記者。她知悉男友是殺父仇人,仍義無反顧擁抱愛情。多條故事線穿梭今與昔,更模糊上、下流社會的界線。受當時美軍治下銀幕開放風氣影響,主角大膽的情慾戲傳為佳話。In a Tokyo broken by war, the only loyalty is to the cold hard dollar. Everyone is on the take from the yakuza gangs to the representatives of the law supposedly keeping them in check. Passionate young lovers Keita and Setsuko (Mori and Yamaguchi) try to navigate this corrupt world, but the lecherous crime-boss Sagawa has other plans (especially for the ripe Setsuko). Japan's Occupation censors were strict about politics, but lenient about sexuality, so Yoshimura takes full advantage of this to explore a raw, racy physicality in his characters. A classic noir with all the trimmings and the heat turned up.- SummerIFF 2007


