




  • 主演:让·鲁什


在这部片子里与让鲁什的对话让人看到电影已经成为他生活的准则,它让我们更加接近现实。让鲁什总是被Damouré 和Tallou这样的朋友环绕着,就如同他在拍一部名叫《绝美之牛》的电影。Jean-André Fieschi找到了一种勾勒人类的方式,他的方法是对电影人精神的一种深切的致敬。在让鲁什与亲近和尊敬的各种人之间的关系中,尤其是他对非洲长久以来的特殊情中,像是通过Damouré和Tallou,我们发现了许许多多对非洲文化起到反向影响的电影人。The dialogue in this film let people know that films have already become a life principle for Jean Rouch, which let us be more close to reality. Jean Rouch was always surrounded by friends like Damouré and Tallou and its like the movie he was shooting. Jean-André Fieschi has found a way to depict human which was also a way to honor filmmakers. In the relation between Jean Rouch and those amiable people, especially the special affection between him and Africa, we found many filmmakers who have counter effect on African culture.

