



    • 主演:RichardBullBarbaraCollentineVernonChapman


    WILL MARSHALL, 76 years old. Retired and pissed off! Here is a lovely comedy-drama bound to enlighten your heart. They're called the golden years. All things considered, the guests at the Villa Floral retirement home in picturesque Victoria can't complain. They have rooms with a view, private baths, a lush property and even a bowling green.But some inmates, as Will (Richard Bull, known for his role as Mr Oleson in LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE) calls himself and his fellow guest are getting restless.A DAY IN A LIFE © tells the story of five seniors who decide to turn an ordinary day into something special.


    • Richard
    • Bull
    • Barbara
    • Collentine
    • Vernon
    • Chapman

