




  • 主演:TamaraHopeReileyMcClendonJeremySisto


User Comments:I was lucky enough to attend the May 19th screening of The Nickel Children in San Diego and I have to say...I can see why Eric Litra's script was a winner in the Nicholl's Fellowship Screen writing Competition, a hard contest to win. Although a sad story, it opened up the audience to a world that we only"hear" about in passing. . . or maybe on TV once in awhile in a documentary or on the news. If you are not involved in some way in this world; know someone in it, work with the kids to get them out, been in it yourself, the movie really opens up your eyes to the heartache of it. Ryan Johnson of Pretty Dangerous Films and Glen Klinker (Director) (nice guys!) did a great job bringing the script to life, as well as the wonderful actors involved. Being a writer myself, I loved that PDF and Glen pretty much kept Eric Litra's script the same, (only one change) and kept him on as the only writer. That's not always the norm in this"movie making" biz, and I'm sure Eric appreciated it. Great job all! Go see this movie. It will touch your heart.


  • Tamara
  • Hope
  • Reiley
  • McClendon
  • Jeremy
  • Sisto


