





a don't miss camp classicwas this really made in 1970? this film has the look feel of a '50's B classic. i think ed wood jr. was still alive when this was released he must have loved it. watching this film i keep hitting the cable guide to be sure it said 1970. i was watching dark shadows vanishing point in that era. everyone was tuning in , turning on , hating dick nixon. vietnam was raging zepplin sabbath ruled. to say this film doesnt fit that era is an oxymoron. this film belongs in another era . the 50's in all that tecnicolor glory. hansen is great in the dual role of george/christine. and that guy who plays the writer boyfriend is a riot, a swarmy george nader type. i guess nader was too old in 1970 for the part but he would have been great. this is a must see for all ed wood fans. glen or glenda has nothing on this classic. ed wood jorgensen had so much in common this story was the real break in eds woods career. if ed could have only made a film nearly this good.


  • 约翰·汉森
  • 奎因·K·雷德克
  • 罗德·麦卡里
  • 琼·汤普金斯
  • 帕梅琳·费丁

