




  • 主演:加賀賢三梅澤嘉朗峯田和伸


「型子」瑣事人人理,「宅男」心事又有誰知?紀錄片一分為二。上集主角加賀,廿三歲大好青年,卻害怕與人溝通,又怕接觸女兒家,於是長年潛藏家中,與世隔絕,閒時對剪報女星幻想幻想,連面對心儀女孩也羞於表白,失禮失禮。導演決定幫他壯壯膽,逼他參與AV拍攝,要他「痛失」處子身,做個真正男子漢?!下集主角梅澤,人如其名,還要更「宅」,家徒四壁,四壁卻盡是漫畫和明星海報,但原來情根深種,自小暗戀一過氣女明星。導演再作馮婦,迫令梅澤自拍生活點滴,小小「宅男」只望影片首映時偶像能抽空出席,有幸一睹偶像芳容...瘋狂「劇情」、爆笑「演繹」。喂喂喂,各位型男索女,你們之前沒有這麼「宅」過嗎?*2008英國倫敦Raindance電影節參展電影香港亞洲獨立電影節2008A young yet acclaimed documentary director best known for his Annyong-Kimchi, Tetsuaki Matsue documents the dim-witted stories of two Otaku (people isolated themselves from society with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games) in his latest documentary The Virgin Wildsides. Kaga, Matsue’s friend who is still a cherry boy at the age of 23, is his first “victim”. Having no physical touch with any girls at all in his life and being afraid of confessing to his dream girl, he is persuaded by Matsue to star in a pornographic video in order to relieve him of his virginity and to step into adulthood…… In Volume 2, Kaga the victim turns himself into an “accomplice” entrapping his friend Umezawa into another hilarious documentary of Otaku. A manga lunatic and pop-star follower, Umezawa has built a shrine in his bedroom, walled by nothing but comic books, to a retired celebrity, and was convinced by Matsue to film a film of himself in order to see his obsession face to face in reality. However dealing with a dim and serious topic, The Virgin Wildsides is certainly in a light and enlightening approach, entertaining enough to make you burst into laughter.*Official Selection, Raindance Film Festival 2008Hong Kong Asia Independent Film Festival 2008http://www.spopro.net/virgin_wildsides/


