吴昊昊用DV对准好友昭光,开始批判。而昭光时不时的也批判吴昊昊。现实持续半个小时,影片也持续半个小时,未成剪辑。Wu Haohao filmed his friend Zhao Guang,they Critisized each other.No cut in the filmed 30 minutes.导演阐述(Director’s Statement):观念:无剪辑。把从开机到关机的素材直接呈现,不去剪辑时间。对时间尊重,重新思考时间中是事物变化。来吧人类,相互批判。Concept: no cutPlay all the material from turn on to turn off the camera, no cut to the time.Respect time,rethink the development process of the things in the time being.Come on mankind,let’s criticize each other.该影片曾经参加的影展和获奖经历(Previous or Coming Film festivals and Awards):2009.10 第6届南京中国独立影像年度展广阔天地单元2010.9 2010丹麦哥本哈根 我的世界影像当代艺术节2010.9 2010年台北双年展2009.10 Wide World, 6th China Independent Film Annual Exhibition, Nanjing2010.9 MY WORLD IMAGES 2010 contemporary arts festival Copenhagen Denmark2010.9 2010 TaiPei biennial