




  • 主演:신혜수尹晶喜全茂松


SYNOPSISYi-hye, the daughter of an alcoholic stage actress, leaves on a trip with her boyfriend Young-hun, who's taking time off from school. Young-hun criticizes Yi-hye for her self-indulgent behavior and she leaves him angry. She meets Min-wu, a middle-aged man, on the train back and sleeps with him out of spite. Later, she fights with her mother and runs away but is convinced by Young-hun to go back home. There she finds her mother reunited with her long lost love who happens to be Min-wu. Pregnant with Min-wu's child, she hears of his fatal car accident. Mother and daughter try to overcome their despair and start over.故事一个醉酒的演员李的女儿离开学校后,离开了男友杨勋。当恩顺达到李惠惠放纵的时候,他感到羞愧。然后有三个战斗赢得了失控yihye奥纳是家庭到二十年与昔日恋人重逢的演唱会后younghun力的爱,还有就是看只有三个赢得做爱珉宇知道他是对的。被怀孕入院的李惠惠听到了敏宇的交通事故的消息。啊,Sewon和Hye啊,即使在绝望的时候也保证复活。


