简介:兄弟檔劉巴卡與高休帶著各自的兒子一起搶了一間郵局,劉巴卡帶著贓款潛逃卻遇害,剩下的三人急著將贓款追回。劉巴卡的兒子巴比試著找出殺父兇手,卻因而發現了可怕的家族秘密Snow is a film for the choice, betrayal and forgiveness between brothers and sons, narrated on the background of the harsh reality in an abandoned place.
兄弟檔劉巴卡與高休帶著各自的兒子一起搶了一間郵局,劉巴卡帶著贓款潛逃卻遇害,剩下的三人急著將贓款追回。劉巴卡的兒子巴比試著找出殺父兇手,卻因而發現了可怕的家族秘密Snow is a film for the choice, betrayal and forgiveness between brothers and sons, narrated on the background of the harsh reality in an abandoned place.
兄弟檔劉巴卡與高休帶著各自的兒子一起搶了一間郵局,劉巴卡帶著贓款潛逃卻遇害,剩下的三人急著將贓款追回。劉巴卡的兒子巴比試著找出殺父兇手,卻因而發現了可怕的家族秘密Snow is a film for the choice, betrayal and forgiveness between brothers and sons, narrated on the background of the harsh reality in an abandoned place.