



    • 主演:可可·香奈儿


    Coco Chanel一生經歷無休止的奮戰,幾經努力才成為一代社交淑女、時裝設計師、間諜和特立獨行的女子,並且一直創新,建立自己的傳奇。War against social order, against conventions, against men, against bankers, against her contemporaries. A war against the entire world.By borrowing from men their money and their style, she lived a relentless battle, a merciless fight to exist on her own and to go down in history. Socialite, fashion designer, spy, and rebellious old lady, Chanel constantly reinvented herself throughout her existence, creating her own legend. A Broadway musical was even dedicated to her while she was alive.Coco was also a witness of times that had disappeared, the Belle Époque and the Roaring Twenties, leaving her alone and bitter at the twilight of her life. A portrait of one of the most iconic figures of the 20th century that was greater than life itself.

