简介:一个醒来发现自己身在第一人称探索游戏中的女孩,为了打开被口令封锁的房门,在狭小的房间中开始了寻找线索之旅。A girl who wakes up to find herself in a first-person exploration game begins searching for clues in a small room to open the password-sealed door.
一个醒来发现自己身在第一人称探索游戏中的女孩,为了打开被口令封锁的房门,在狭小的房间中开始了寻找线索之旅。A girl who wakes up to find herself in a first-person exploration game begins searching for clues in a small room to open the password-sealed door.
一个醒来发现自己身在第一人称探索游戏中的女孩,为了打开被口令封锁的房门,在狭小的房间中开始了寻找线索之旅。A girl who wakes up to find herself in a first-person exploration game begins searching for clues in a small room to open the password-sealed door.