



    • 主演:卡门·马奇


    The story – which brings to mind a certain, high-profile case in which an accusation of tax evasion was levelled at a famous female singer – introduces us to Celeste, a huge Latin music star. Her songs are a global phenomenon, her concerts pack out entire stadiums, she has her own brand of perfume, her own line of lingerie and long, flowing hair that she uses to promote her own shampoo. But this series is not about her; the real protagonist is Sara Santano, a revenue agent who has dedicated her entire life to collecting taxes. This is the only thing she has done ever since she passed the public exams as a twentysomething – until now, the moment when, after more than 30 years faithfully serving the tax agency, she can take early retirement. Or so she thinks. Because on her last day at work, she receives the most important assignment of her career: proving that Celeste is a resident of Spain and, therefore, is obliged to pay her taxes in the country, which amount to around €20 million. To pull this off, Sara will have to put her own life on hold to investigate Celeste’s and prove that she spent 184 days (half the year plus one day) in Spain.


