简介:Titled “Un lugar para Ramon” (“A Place for Ramon”), the drama is set against the backdrop of Peru’s months-long COVID-19 lockdown where two men, a Peruvian national who is confined to his apartment with the ashes of his estranged father, meets a Spaniard
主演:阿尔瓦罗·塞万提斯 乌戈·席尔瓦 克拉拉·拉戈 Ferrán Vilajosana Daniel Holguín
简介:The first nights aboard on the Nao San Miguel are not how the maidens waited. The vagaries of the ship wreak havoc among young girls, but Ana represses her discomfort to help her traveling companions. The expedition arrives in Gran Canaria, where a detach
简介:西班牙广播电视网Mediaset España联手华纳、Netflix打造惊悚新剧[缉毒小组](Brigada Costa del Sol,暂译),主演乌戈·席尔瓦。故事源自真实事件,时间背景设置在上世纪70、80年代,聚焦西班牙第一支缉毒小分队。该剧下月初马拉加开拍,Mediaset España旗下Telecinco频道首播,之后登陆Netflix。