简介:What does a drone pilot operating on a peacekeeping mission in an unnamed country see on his monitor? We are slowly getting used to the stream of variously distorted images of so-called strategic targets. Along with the ability to see human beings, animal
简介:After "La communion solennelle" and "Baptême", "L'enfant du pays" is the third part of an autobiographical investigation of memory and family. This tale of childhood and adolescence is told through brief sequences that t
简介:在枪与钢铁的世界“Gun Gale Online”享受着单人游戏的女性玩家·莲。喜欢可爱事物的她,全身清一色的粉红色装备,不断累积游戏经验,并逐渐增强实力。之后,由于某件事而对于PK(玩家狩猎)觉醒了兴趣的莲沉迷于PK中,并终于到达被人称作“粉红恶魔”的地步。这样的莲,与神秘的美女玩家·Pitohui相遇,并和她意气相投。莲按照她所说的,参加了小队作战活动“特攻强袭”。
简介:Muv-Luv ATE全名为《Muv-Luv Alternative Total eclipse 》,全集动画片改编自《Muv-Luv Alternative》的外传小说。故事的时间设定在西元2001年,由于人类遭到地球外起源种(联合国称其为BETA)的侵略,正面临灭亡的危机,因此人类开始了先进战术机技术开发计划“XFJ计划”,各个国家均派遣了专门人员参与其中,该作讲述的就是这些被派遣过来的人员之间的故事。(有虫子吃掉妹纸情节,反差极大,请谨慎观看.)