简介:A man lives alone in a block of flats. He may not be able to put a finger on it but he is lonely. All this changes though when the odd growth he has been ignoring on his side turns out to be something alive and becomes conscious.
主演:Sharon Matt Kip Marsh 班比·艾伦 Larry Martinelli William Varris Herbert Townsend Bob Dorn
简介:In the 19th century, siblings Abilene and Tod, orphaned on their western farm, become attracted to each other, sexually. The confused Tod fleas to a nearby town where he meets Linda, a local bar girl, and begins a sexual relationship with her, while a rou
简介:曾创作过电视剧《超人前传》(Smallville)的编剧阿尔弗雷德·高夫(Alfred Gough)和迈尔斯·米拉(Miles Millar)日前将自己根据《海底两万里》创作的电影剧本《尼摩船长》(Captain Nemo)卖给了索尼,后者将把它拍成大制作。作为儒勒·凡尔纳(Jules Verne)最著名篇章,《海底两万里》(20,000 Leagues Under the Sea)一直以来都是迪士尼十分希望重新搬上大银幕的科幻小说,他们曾先后找到导演McG和大卫·芬奇(David Fincher)掌舵