简介:Did you know that during World War II, FDR launched a top-secret program to attack Japan–with an army of bats? Or that three people once lost their lives thanks to a falling poodle? Have you heard of the island off the coast of Mexico that’s populated by
简介:Follows the life of Satish Bhaskar, an Indian conservationist who dedicated himself to studying and protecting endangered sea turtles along India's coasts in the 1970s, and explores the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami on their habitats.
简介:玛丽(葛丽泰·嘉宝 Greta Garbo 饰)是身份高贵的伯爵夫人,一天,在一场舞会上,一位名叫拿破仑(查尔斯·博耶 Charles Boyer 饰)的波兰男子被玛丽美丽的样貌深深的吸引了,不顾她已为人妻,对她展开了热烈的攻势。对于拿破仑所寄来的一封封热情洋溢的信件,玛丽一概不予理会,可在波兰独裁者马拉乔沃斯基(艾伦·马歇尔 Alan Marshal 饰)的威逼利诱之下,玛丽最终只得放弃忠贞,接受了拿破仑的追求,他的丈夫也因此离开了她。玛丽答应了拿破仑的追求之后,拿破仑便和无法生育的皇后约瑟芬离了婚,