简介:Five friends (representatives of the Fifties generation) now in their forties, get together after many years of silence. One shows up from jail, where he has been entering and exiting for years, the other comes from a series of “accidental” murders, anoth
简介:First film in the live action series based on the shÅnen manga by Go Nagai.Despite the nudity and all the teaching staff being sexual predators, it is not an x-rated film, effendis: its a parody of them.And the s&m torture is humiliating rather than
简介:塔奇克馬的日常 (英語:Ghost in the Shell: Tachikoma Days,日語:タチコマな日々, Tachikoma na Hibi;也被稱之為Tachikoma Specials) 是一部隨DVD附送的特典性質動畫短片,其出現在以DVD版本發行的電視動畫版攻殼機動隊的每話最後部分,就風格而言是部輕鬆搞笑的作品,作品的主角就是公安九課所使用的思考戰車塔奇克馬(Tachikoma),其內容上除了對部分劇情的哲學思考外也有起到對TV版動畫補完的作用.如今已經播放的攻殼機動隊 Stand A