简介:The film begins with Bell's childhood in Scotland, where his is initially intrigued by sights and sounds. The film then follows his days as an inventor in Brantford, Ontario, Boston, Massachusetts, and Baddeck, Nova Scotia.
主演:格拉汉姆·肯尼迪 Bert Newton The Unisounds Michael Preston Patti Newton Yvonne Barrett Gaynor Bunning 帕特·卡洛尔 Di Faulkner Maria Blanche Judy Jacques Jimmy Hannan Phil Lanham Dorothy Baker 布赖恩·道尔 Ian Turpie Jeff Phillips 詹姆斯·斯迈利 Stuart Wagstaff Joff Ellen Liz Harri
简介:An iconic, popular, and long-running variety series.
简介:Live telecast of the funeral of Australian film and television legend Graham Kennedy, held at the Mittagong Playhouse, Mittagong, NSW on May 31 2005. Transmitted by the Nine Network and Seven Network, Australia.