简介:The heroes and villans from both Voltron series (the Lion Voltron and the Vehicle Voltron) team up for the ultimate battle of supremacy with the fate of the universe hanging in the balance!剧场版,两代战神金刚的合作战斗,坏人也是一个合体机器人,小时候看的,印象非常深刻!
简介:几部梦工厂动画制作的全新动画电视剧也将在Netflix上首播。包括吉尔摩·德尔·托罗(Guillermo del Toro)的《巨怪猎人》(Trollhunters)和根据80年代动画《百兽王》(Voltron)重新构思的新版电视剧。《百兽王》则是80年代日本一套动画片,美国人曾把其与另一部日本动画片《机甲战舰》剪辑成一部动画片,并被我国在90年代早期引进,名叫《战神金刚》。《百兽王》的主人公是五个飞行员,他们分别驾驶黑、赤、青、黄、绿五头机器狮,五狮合体后能成为巨大机器人“百兽王”,在法拉公主的带领
简介:Animals/People: Along the rhythm of the changing seasons they watch one another. Bestiary unfolds like a filmed picture book about mutual observation, about peculiar perception. A contemplation of a stable imbalance, and of lose, tranquil and indefinable