简介:After defeating Robotnik, Sonic discovers that a project named “Project Shadow” has escaped from the military and started wrecking havoc in town, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles team up to defeat Shadow, Shadow desires to honor the legacy of Maria and demands t
简介:Third Reich's Nazi propaganda epic about a heroic fictional German officer on board of the RMS Titanic. On its maiden voyage in April 1912, the supposedly unsinkable ship hits an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean and starts to go down.
简介:Unlike many of his Phoenix police detective partners, Harry Collins is a good cop and, despite his very idiosyncratic value system, a decent man. However his compulsive gambling has got him heavily in debt to a gangster bookie. Refusing to Welsh on a bet,
简介:制造赫赫有名铁达尼号的英国「白色之星」(White Star Line)轮船公司,当年制造了三艘超大型邮轮,除了铁达尼号之外,还有布列塔尼号和奥林匹克号,其中只有奥林匹克号完役退休,其他两艘都遭到沉船的命运,本片便是叙述布列塔尼号在第一次世界大战初期被德国间谍炸沉的故事。 第一次大战爆发后,英国政府徵召布列塔尼号,负责将伤兵从希腊运回英国。不过,布列塔尼号同时也担负著一项秘密任务,暗中为英军运送武器。这个计划被德国情报单位获悉,派遣了间谍前来破坏。 而英国情报单位也获知德国方面的行动,派出一位女情报员薇拉