简介:東方神起出外景,金在中似乎向鄭允浩隱瞞著什麼秘密,金俊秀和沈昌珉神秘失蹤了。朴有天對兩位失蹤成員茶不思飯不想,似乎對金在中和鄭允浩的秘密欲言又止。考驗著五個人的感情與默契,一切昭然若揭。(英文簡介下方有詳細大綱介紹和結局)條目創建及簡介說明:tvxqmilk星夜桐影After a photo shoot in a secluded, forested area, all five band members are told to rest in the house they are staying a
简介:Plot Outline: This TV Movie is about the Tehran Conference between FDR, Winston Churchill, and Joseph Stalin. It shows the interaction between the three leaders at the close of the Second World War. Trivia: This production was the first to be filmed e