主演:Jennifer Schwartz Steve McDonald Janet Housden Kim Pilkington
简介:The Lovedolls return from their untimely demise in this 1986 sequel to DESPERATE TEENAGE LOVEDOLLS. Patch Kelley becomes Patch Christ, the leader of an acid-damaged religious cult who rescues has been Kitty Karryall from a boozy, wasted life. Once reunite
简介:Enchanted by an evil witch, a beautiful princess is forced to speak only in nonsense phrases. One day, she finds a small frog who can understand what she says. The frog claims to really be a prince, also enchanted by an evil witch. Together they must try
简介:贝斯(艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones 饰)和维拉(泰勒·希克森 Taylor Hickson 饰)是个性大相径庭的两姐妹,两人跟随母亲前往亲戚家留下的别墅居住,谁知道一家人却被两个变态盯上了。在母亲的奋勇抗争下,贝斯和维拉逃过一劫,长大后,贝斯将自己的这一段经历 写成了一本小说,并因此一炮而红,成为了畅销作家榜上的常客。与此同时,这段恐怖的回忆带给维拉的却是毁灭性的打击,她整日将自己锁在房间里,被恐惧包围与折磨。