简介:Betty Blue is going to solve the mystery of the death of his friend, father, and finds himself among greed, indulgence of the characters, each of whom want their hands on the family fortune, and none of them can not keep their hands off each other!
简介:While vacationing in Tuscany Hetty is hired by a local restaurateur whose son has been kidnapped, possibly by Mafioso who have been mailing him the boy's fingers.
简介:The movie follows two stories in a black ghetto of Landover, MD. 1. A school maintenance man and his family want to turn their 1000 pound pet pig into the Washington Redskins' mascot. But as soon as the pig receives local news and radio attention the
简介:タカラトミーアーツとシンソフィアによるアーケードゲームを原作とした人気アイドルアニメ「プリティーリズム」のテレビシリーズ第3期「プリティーリズム・レインボーライブ」に登場した男性3人組ユニット「Over The Rainbow」を主人公に描く劇場版。人気、実力ともに男子プリズムショー界でトップクラスの実力となったコウジ、ヒロ、カヅキの3人によるOver The Rainbowが、4年に一度開かれる「プリズムキングカップ」出場に向けて奮闘する姿を描く。「劇場版 プリティーリズム・オールスターセレクション」や