简介:一层层华丽厚重的大幕缓缓拉开,小提琴演奏家米奇(沃尔特•迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)迈着高傲自信的步伐一步步走向台前,可是他却摔了一跤,引起观众的讪笑。随后又出了好几个错,接连受到嘲笑。米奇及时调整情绪,不为所动,以饱满精准的情绪演奏了舒曼的《梦幻曲(Traumerei)》李斯特《匈牙利狂想曲(Hungarian Rhapsody)》。情到深处,连自己也感动地涕泪脚下。伴随着热烈的掌声,米奇从容走下台,然后又应观众的强烈要求返场,演奏了一曲《威廉•退尔 序曲》。他是如此投入,如此用力,连小提琴
简介:Leonard Maltin gets clearance to venture into Disney's Animation Research Library, home to just about everything the studio has created. Animators Mark Henn and Andreas Deja are interviewed, and they reveal their first experiences with Disney animati
简介:The Disney Company's massive success in the 20th century is based on creating an image of innocence, magic and fun. Its animated films in particular are almost universally lauded as wholesome family entertainment, enjoying massive popularity among ch