简介:迷幻少女遇著過氣公安老頭,未必是貓捉老鼠累鬥累,也可以是從老前輩身上學會認識自己。阿 P 為追阿初欠她的債,偶然與阿初的外公相遇,兩個生活態度南轅北轍的人,就是這樣在荒謬的處境中相互學習。阿P在當中看見年青一代的無奈:十六歲的迷途青春、愛情的無助、軟性毒品的蠶食、面對父母失敗的婚姻、自己渾噩的前途....阿初無故失蹤,又是否因抵受不了同樣殘酷的青春?世情像玻璃,有時看得透,有時不,相同的只是:兩者同樣冰冷易碎。
简介:1993年,山田洋次導演的《學校》在日本本士引起極大迴響,不僅贏得好評如潮,更在各大頒獎禮中獨領風騷。延續篇《學校II》將舞台移師至北海道一間供智障學童入讀的高中,但仍舊以刻劃帥生關係及反思教育意義為核心主題。山田在片中寄托了他對學校及老師們的期望:教育並非只靈培育老師心目中的好學生,老師的工作也並非只是教學,更重要的是跟學生建立深厚的關係。全片溫情洋溢,值得細味。 The Learning Circle, a film by Yamada Yoji and a follow-up to his
简介:World cinema has never been short of films about alienated teenagers, but it’s extremely rare to find one so consistently well-observed as School Trip, an enormously promising debut from director Winckler, who co-wrote the script with Stefan Kriekhaus. Th
简介:警察带着几个人一同关在铁笼子里。除了训话以外,然后还让他们来朗诵他写的诗歌……A policeman is shut in a cage, together with some guysHe pontificates, as well as has them read out his poems
简介:SCENES from the Class Struggle in Portugal," the new documentary feature at the Whitney Museum of American Art, may be of more cinematic than political interest here, having been directed (with Philip Spinelli) by Robert Kramer, the young man who mad
简介:Retrato de classe es considerado un marco en el documental brasileno. Producido en los primordios del Globo Reporter, cuando los directores eran Eduardo Coutinho (Seis Dias en Ouricuri), Walter Lima Jr (Arquitetura), entre otros. En el documental, Bacic i