简介:在本片中,《豪斯医生》主演休•劳瑞将脱下白大褂,换上村夫装。带领您一同前往美国新奥尔良,领略这座城市的魅力,聆听最原汁原味的蓝调音乐。他边弹边唱(你没听错,房子叔私下是位灰常有前途的蓝调歌手),将蓝调历史上的趣事信手捏来,抒发对这座城市和蓝调音乐由来已久的仰慕之情。可以说《休•劳瑞的蓝调之旅》不但是一部很好的蓝调知识启蒙素材,也是一场蓝调音乐盛宴。片中休•劳瑞的新奥尔良试听会现场为2012年首次公开,之前只有少部分音乐评论人/记者有幸一睹。试听会曲目收于专辑《Let Them Talk(风言风语)》中,
简介:Ever since the early 1960s, Rick Stein has been in love with the blues and years later he is fascinated by the dishes ingrained in its lyrics - fried chicken and turnip greens, catfish and black-eyed peas, and the rest. In this film, Rick pays homage to t