简介:A young woman who fled her oppressive, patriarchal environment in search of freedom is forced to return. Her three brothers, determined to erase the shame of her escape and restore the family's honor, plot to kill her. However, the blood they shed will le
简介:A young mother disappears on the slopes of the sacred Ślęża mountain, leaving behind a pushchair with her baby. A police officer, a young husband and a retired clairvoyant try to reconstruct the last moments before she vanished. A female police officer wi
简介:Static shots, mostly long and extreme long shots, and not much seems to happen in them. As if someone often turned the camera on only after the important thing had already been done – in moments when cleaning crews and almost always invisible women with d
简介:A disturbing dystopian essay stylistically inspired by Chris Marker's La Jetée. By recycling photographs from personal albums, advertising shots and scientific images manipulated to varying degrees by artificial intelligence tools, it tells the story of a
简介:Radicle City is a cinematic essay which imagines a future in which Bangalore’s gardens no longer exist. Narrated as a poetic address by a voice who has grown up in a city without trees, the film’s hybrid documentary and fictional narrative recovers and re
简介:A found footage meditation on eating your feelings. Appropriating footage from popular films and television, The Spectacle of Her Appetites articulates this trope’s pervasiveness and visual codes, as well as its reproduction of conventional paradigms of f
简介:生活唔如意﹖噢﹗萬事有大叔﹗看似成熟穩重的西裝精英林木森,為人功利現實又口甜舌滑,愛耍小聰明。在車行工作多年,接觸人多,見盡不同客戶,練就一把好口才,更成為行內 Top Sales。早年離婚的森將女兒林瑪莎的撫養權讓給太太,太太跟女兒移居美國。然而好景不常,疫情過後經濟衰退,車行決定在人工高的他身上開刀,人到中年才失業,愛充大頭鬼的他一時跌下谷低,人生一團糟之際女兒從外國回來,並帶來「出租大叔」的想法﹗森從起初的不願,到渴望靠此生意翻身賺大錢,最後卻發現做「出租大叔」其實是幫助自己理清一團糟的人生,做回最
简介:Asma receives bad news about her father’s health. She takes the road towards home with an uncle about whom she knows nothing; he who cut ties with his family a long time ago.