简介:Shin-hyo was unknown writer. nobody likes his novel. so he decided to commit suicide. but he didn't die. he spent 27 year in vegetative state. when he wake up he became midiage..and his novel became masterpieces.
简介:Housos tells the not-so-epic stories of Shazza, Dazza, Franky and Kylie - four best mates from down on the block. Sure, they drink away their problems, they might even have frequent domestics but down on the block it's all for one and one for all. Fo
简介:Paul Fenech终于将他自编自导自演的风靡整个澳洲的恶俗讽刺的电视系列喜剧Pizza and Swift and Shift Couriers搬上大银幕。这个饱受争议的系列剧描绘了发生在在Sunnyvale郊区虚构的住房委员会的公租房里的荒诞不经的故事。故事发生在Shazza(Elle Dawe饰)得知自己久未联系的母亲病重,希望Shazza去Alice Spring陪伴她度过她人生最后的岁月。在母亲去世之后,Shazza发誓要遵从母亲的遗愿将骨灰带到Auers Rock。与她同行的还有傻乎乎的d