简介:A building on the verge of collapse, forty flats and nine nationalities, the inhabitants are looking for renovation money in a mix of everyday disasters and unexpected comical situations that turn the film into a social comedy.
简介:Claudio Ritossa is a palliative doctor who does his job with great empathy for his end-of-life patients. Besides his work at the Hospice Anemos in Turin, he dedicates a lot of his time to gardening, an activity that is an encapsulation of his profession.
简介:在影片中,两个像宝可梦人物一样的朋友一起踏上一段旅程,试图通过在线教程掌握每一种可能的技能。 电影灵活地改编自福楼拜的未完成作品《布瓦尔和佩库歇》(Bouvard et Pécuchet,1881年在他去世后出版),探讨了当前在线自学和 YouTube 教程时代的动态。在算法推荐的指导下,B 和 P 尝试在没有任何教学指南的情况下学习一切,每天都会掉进一个新的兔子洞。《
简介:A little bat keeps pieces of the moon inside a shell. At the same time, a girl is looking for her lost mouse, wishing the moon would come back. The two will cross paths in this magical story.
简介:Unexpectedly, Marion Guillard captures the perfect shot: A flock of birds pirouette in the evening sky, the camera follows their graceful movements as if hypnotized, symbiotically. The road to this moment was long. Guillard shares her journey to the USA w