简介:Suryaputra Karn is an ongoing Indian mythological television series, which premiered on 29 June 2015 on Sony Entertainment Television (India) and Sony Entertainment Television Asia. The show is slated to air on Monday through Thursday nights. The series i
主演:Kishore Bhatt 蒂丝卡·乔普拉 Benaf Dadachanji Farida Dadi Navneet Kaur Dhillon Harish Dinkar Sanjana G.sandhu Sandeep Garcha Sharif Islam Vaunisha Kapoor Naveen Kasturia Phelim Kelly Sachin Khedekar Mervi Koski Bradley Wj Miller
简介:This story is about a man who drinks and wakes up in the morning with a girl whom he does not know. When he gradually starts to fall in love with her, he must choose between love and practicality.