简介:As armed conflict flares up at the edges of Europe, the commemoration of the Second World War is used to prepare people for renewed conflict. In Azerbaijan, the recent expulsion of Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh is presented as a national success. And in
简介:The filmmakers follow two women for years, each grappling with the topic of dying for different reasons. In doing so, she confronts her own grief. The relative certainty of imminent death and the hope for self-determination, as well as the emotional ambiv
简介:第80届奥斯卡颁奖典礼于美国时间2008年2月24日(北京时间25日上午)在柯达剧院举行,各大奖项一一揭晓。《老无所依》无悬念摘取最佳影片、导演、改编剧本、男配角4项大奖,成为当晚最大赢家。《谍影重重3》以100%的获奖率爆冷!四大表演奖则将国际化进行到底——丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯和蒂尔达·斯温顿来自英国,贾维尔·巴丹来自西班牙,玛丽昂·歌迪亚来自法国。★第80届奥斯卡金像奖★获奖名单(相关【豆列】http://www.douban.com/doulist/121117/)【最佳影片】老无所依(No C
简介:Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner with roller skis, a bow, a rifle, a boomerang, an anvil, and several exploding darts let loose from a balloon. The darts keep descending on the Coyote and exploding at inopportune times.