简介:Glenn and Carlo are in beautiful and exotic island of Bali where they work on writing a photo book. Glenn is in the grip of a mystical crisis, influenced by the magical rituals of the place, converted to Hinduism, attends a holy friend, Tillem and lives a
简介:1956年發行的《閃亮三姊妹》深受當時印尼和馬來亞觀眾的歡迎。60年後,數位修復版正式面世,為印尼首部4K修復的電影。故事環繞著大姊的終生大事持續展開,敘述三姊妹和父親與祖母的生活;輕鬆活潑的敘事,拍攝地點橫跨雅加達到萬隆,多首經典名曲,搭配具印尼和寶萊塢色彩的歌舞場面,融合出1950年代蘇卡諾時期印尼社會的常民圖像。(台北電影節手冊)A family's attempt at matchmaking their oldest daughter and the conflicts that f
简介:Restoration carried out by the National Museum of Singapore and the World Cinema Foundation. In association with the Konfiden Foundation and Kineforum Jakarta Arts Council. The film was restored from the original print kept at the Indonesian Cinematheque.
简介:The first Indonesian film to receive aninternational award; Bambang Hermanto wasselected as best actor during the 1961 MoscowInternational Film Festival.