简介:A young man, thrown off track by a stroke of fate. Life gets out of his hands, as he is confronted with the abyss of his soul and becomes more and more enslaved by insanity. Soon his being only exists of delusion, nightmares, snuff films and a masked man
简介:Alice is a young journalist with AIDS who must start taking medication to stop the disease. On the same day of his birthday, he receives the medication to begin treatment for HIV. Without thinking, he starts a trance moved by love and fear, his conviction
简介:A story of the officers, soldiers and seamen who have not betrayed their oath of loyalty to the people of Ukraine during the takeover of Crimea. This is a film about a military honor, in the midst of undeclared war.
简介:A small-town attorney is thrust into the spotlight after she kills two home invaders in self-defense, reviving violent memories of her captivity as a sex slave years earlier and setting off deadly repercussions for her family.