简介:A short horror anthology series that features zombies and evil clowns.剧集短片来自 TromaMovies 举办的15秒恐怖影像大赛,这是从参赛者上传的短片中选出来的二十佳。不得不说,在15秒内既要讲清楚一件事,又要足够吓人是很有难度的。其中有些看起来粗制滥造,血腥暴力,充满了欧美人的恶趣味。当然也有制作精良,靠故事取胜的心理恐惧片段,只能说越往后看排名越靠前的越有趣。看完你就知道,有的时候一句短短的台词和一个简单的动作,就足
简介:It's the story of a young couple struggling with challenges of life. Both are aggressive and follow their own thoughts which affect their relationship. Their reunion becomes complicated gradually.
简介:A modern poet Jamal who is against the traditional Urdu Poetry reads the biography of Mir Taqi Mir,one of the greatest poets of the 18th century. And sees Mir's reflection on his personality.
简介:It's the story of a young couple struggling with challenges of life. Both are aggressive and follow their own thoughts which affect their relationship. Their reunion becomes complicated gradually.