简介:The lines of reality and fiction blur together when Survivor descends into Lord of the Flies, as contestants of the reality show Tontine quickly turn on each other when they find themselves shipwrecked on a deserted island.
简介:本部美国心理悬疑短片,寥寥数笔就描绘出了一个多重人格的罪犯萨姆(杰瑞米·西斯托 Jeremy Sisto饰)。在女医生给萨姆治疗的过程中,萨姆分裂出了众多人格,有可爱的小女孩也有暴力的杀人犯,有温柔的女人也有成熟的男子。他们并不配合医生的治疗,在女医生终于忍无可忍爆发之后,萨姆终于坦白了自己的真实姓名其实是丹尼尔。可要想治愈多重人格这种精神疾病岂非易事,在成千上万的名字中,你到底是谁……本片在2002年荣获旧金山国际电影节(Golden Gate Award) Film Video – Short Na
简介:An obsessive psychologist attempts to reprogramme her subconscious mind, but when her actions become increasingly uncharacteristic she fears her experiment is dangerously out of control.
简介:The Ardern family travel back through time in a Sheffield Cornershop. Exploring over 6 episodes, how what they sell and who they sell to, changes over time, starting with the Victorian era and ending in the 1990s.