主演:Dagoberto Rodríguez David Silva Pascual García Peña
简介:一部超经典的墨西哥B-CULT片!!!超搞笑堪比ED伍德的那部牛作。。。Mexican classic cult film consists of a series of three episodes about a masked cowboy who must face dangers such as a vampire and the Headless Horseman. A masked Zorro-like character travels the West, battling monster
简介:"In life, we first organize large stones (Piedras) such as love, friendship, family, and a career." In this way, we will find space between these to fit smaller stones, our small necessities. If you act in an inverse way, you will not have the r
简介:男儿身女儿心,那令一般男人高兴都来不及的20公分长,对 Marieta 来说简直就是人生最大讽刺。为彻底变成真女人,Marieta 决意透过变性手术,把身上那20公分的“多余物资”切除,令自己再“身无长物”。本想努力工作赚钱的她,却因频繁猝睡而连番被炒,无奈下化身马路天使。芳心爱漫游的睡美人,在梦中总会化身成为音乐剧女主角,又或者像麦当娜的 True Blue 或 Queens 的 I Want to Break Free 般大唱大跳。睡公主在街市巧遇粗犷搬运工,不能自拔,上演一出《哭泣的游戏》。只是猛